Go to the site http://ninite.com
and you should see as shown picture below then click Ninite Pro
When you click Ninite Pro you will be directed to the next link, once done just scroll down the page and you should see as shown picture below, click get a free trial of ninite pro.
You will be directed again to the next page, follow the instruction such as enter your email address, enter your name, and number of machine. You can enter value number of machine as you like :D then click get free trial. See the picture guide bellow
Now you are ready to get your free trial downloader and creator, just click download your trial, save it where do you like in your drive.
Once downloads completed, now run downloader and wait a while
Step 6:
When its ready, just choose what software you need to download by click in them one by one.
Now, see at the corner down you will find down arrow, click it then click freeze.
Next you need to click freeze button and your download should begin, just wait to complete its self.
Its downloading and creating the offline installer.
Note: When your trial is expired and want to use your free trial, you need to disconnect from internet everytime you want to install it.
Getting "the system cannot find the path specified" error.